Kenapa Wanita Kuat MEMBEBEL?. Pencerahan Wanita Ini Mendapat Beribu ‘Share’ Di Facebook !!!

Kenapa Wanita Kuat MEMBEBEL?. Pencerahan Wanita Ini Mendapat Beribu ‘Share’ Di Facebook !!! 

Suami tanya, kenapa aku kuat membebel? Kalau satu benda silap, macam buntut ayam mulut aku jadinya. Jadi, aku pun beri pencerahan.
Aku kan perempuan, otaknya kompleks. Semua perkara nak fikir serentak. Walaupun aku nampak innocent saja ketika sedang membasuh periuk di sinki, tetapi aku sebenarnya sedang berfikir,
  • Kain dalam mesin basuh belum disidai
  • Hari nak hujan, nanti kain lembab
  • Kena keringkan di laundry shop
  • Sebelum pergi, kena masuk dinner dulu
  • Malam nanti nak masak ikan stim halia
  • Halia dah habis rasanya. Nak pergi cari sekejap lagi
  • Alang-alang dah pergi kedai, boleh beli tepung
  • Tapi minyak kereta dah nak habis, kena isi
  • Nak pergi Petronas di Sg Lalang atau Taman Ria?
  • Kalau pergi Taman Ria boleh beli air jagung
  • Air jagung dengan rojak buah best ni
Kau tengok! Itu baru part basuh satu periuk. Belum masuk lagi part basuh sudu. Ha, macam mana mulut tak pot pet? Jangan ganggu konsentrasi aku untuk berfikir dengan tenang. Haha!
Jadi, bila isteri tengah diam, suami jangan kacau. Haha!

Liability insurance is an important aspect of an insurance policy as it will help to protect the business from various losses. For example, claims could be made against personal injury or property damage caused by employees, products or services. Business crime insurance is vital to have some protection in the case of forgery, theft, fraud or robbery. Such criminal activity can have a devastating impact on a business, and such crimes (especially online fraud) have become much more prevalent in the last five years, as the majority of businesses have an online component. Cargo and transportation features should be included if the business is involved in any type of haulage of goods. This will cover against goods that are lost or damaged during transportation (whether delivering or receiving goods). Workers compensation insurance should be a key component of a business insurance policy. This will ensure that the medical needs of the employees are met, should they go through an accident or disease. It will aid them in a quicker return to work where possible, while also protecting the business from potential lawsuits from current or past employees. When comparing insurance providers and premiums in Denver, look for the reputation and experience of the insurer as well as the speed of payout. It is also important to know the speed at which the claim will be handled, as this could drag the business into financial difficulties. Comprehensive insurance for your business is vital in the current economic climate to protect the organization and employees. However, each business has very specific needs, and they can vary from one year to the next. For this reason, an annual review of the insurance coverage is highly recommended to fully cover the business assets. In this sense, an insurance agent in Denver is very useful and can save a business money in the long term.

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